domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

Musicians of the Future

Do you imagine that robots can be the musicians of the future?
I was searching on the net and I found somethings that involve robots and the music... it's quite weird to listen to a robot singing and playing the music but as we can see day by day machines are being developped and some robots are created... so robots are stealing job that humans do and the unemployment is growing up because of that machines.
If I saw a robot that can sing or play a instrument i would say that it is an impossible thing... But watch this video.

So, do you think that it's impossible? So be prepared to the future and the new musicians... The Robots!

2 comentários:

  1. Wow! That's quite impressive actually! But I think it takes all the feelings of the song away. When someone is playing an instrument you can feel their passion about it or the lack of it. With robots... well, you can't even talk about feelings. They're programmed to just play so it's not the same thing. :)

  2. the increasingly rapid advance of technology ... the world of today is not the same ... a world where constant progress and change
