domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

A road to a brighter future

In the last two hundred years, the world population has threatened our world's environment! If this serious problem continues, it will lead to extinction of all the life on it! Our mother, Earth, is not to blame for this tragedy, we are! Now we must fix our mistake! With the help of our new technologies, we can change the future and if we do, we are saving all of the Earth's beauty and its life!

These are some of the things that our new technologies can do to prevent our planet's death:

* Build some machines that eleminate the CO2 emitions;

* Use high technology filters to purify polluted waters;

* Use new technologies as fuels that are non pollutive and that will never be extinguished;

* Preserve all kinds of life on Earth, using hight technology if necessary, because they are all a part of it.

If we work hard, using all of our capacities, there will be a brighter future waiting for us!

Dangerous jobs

There are many jobs in our country, which three are dangerous:

* Lifeguard swimmer;
* Fisherman;
* Airplane pilot.

Lifeguard swimmer:

A lifeguard swimmer has a very important role in the guard of beaches and pools, as he ensures the well being of people in the sea or in pools.

To pursue this profession you need:

* to swim very well;
* the course of advising swimmers savior, which includes knowing when it's safe or not to take any action;
* pursue a course of first-aid, in the event of any animal bites, burns and if anyone feels bad.


A fisherman has an important role for the people, because he brings food (fish) to the markets. Without fishermens our diet wouldn't be so healthy! Yes, fish consumption has very important factor in our health.
But this job is also at risk because it's practiced in the sea where a storm might occur, provoking shipwrecks.

Airplane pilot:

An airplane pilot has a leading position in the course of an air trip, but it is also a dangerous job, because in the course of a trip, a technical problem can occur, or even a terrorist act, which sometimes leads to death of many people.

These three professions are dangerous as many others, but the attitudes and actions of lifeguard swimmers who save lives, airplane pilots, that move in leisure or work, and the fishermens who bring us one of the essential goods in our diet, contribute to the quality of life and the welfare of the population.

For the people that need some help with discrimination at work...

I'm posting this in the hope of help the people that doesn't know how to overcome this problem. I hope it can be useful :)

Here're some ways:

* The Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR): ;

* The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) ;

* Commission for Racial Equality (REC) ;

* Disability Rights Commission (DRC) ;

* Employers Forum on Age ;

* ACAS ;

* Citizens Advice Bureau .

Now let's move on, the future needs us and we also need him!
Let's do this together, because the union builds our strenght!

Discrimination at Work

Everyone has the right to be treated equally and fairly when it comes to employment but sadly that's still not the case nowadays!

Why is this discrimination?
Here are some possible reasons:

* Envy;
* Competition;
* Bad social formation by the discriminator.

In the last one, we can incorporate these types of discrimination:

* Race;
* Religion;
* Gender;
* Sexual Orientation;
* Disability.

Now... How do we deal with this?

Since discrimination is a very serious matter which could end up in an employment tribunal or court, people shouldn't let this go further!
If someone feels discriminated against, that persone must try and keep a record of any incidents, then make a complaint, contact your trade union and seek legal advice.

Stress at work

The excessive stress at work is getting nore nowadays. This is caused by high demand and low field of work, low salarys, lack of social recognition and limited career prospects from the company to the workers effort.
These obligations and tensions in the workplace are often the cause of many health problems, such as an increase of cholesterol in the blood and the person's weight, high blood pressure and death from cardiovascular attacks. The excessive stress may also lead to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Therefore, to avoid all these problems you should create a good relationship between co-workers and boss.

She is teacher but working in an office...

Many young people think, dream and wish to take a degree to be someone in life and, maybe later, give to their children what their parents couldn't gave them. I have an example in my family that ... My cousin is now 29 years old, took the place of teacher of the first cycle about five years ago, yet only three years he taught school, one was in the Azores, sometimes the despair is all that anyone sends its curriculum for any site that is to work. As I said before, she is a teacher of the first cycle and was for a short period of time working in a clothing store, but no rent was working for an office. Is it relevant take a course in unemployment is higher and it is known there for how long?

Studying and working at the same time

Today it is very common and a teenager studying while working. Many of them work during the day and studying at night, or, studying during the day and when exit from school early and go to work, or for coffee or for supermarkets, so it is called part-time.
Many young people do it to help families who do not always have means to pay for tuition or by choice; it is a bit difficult today.
The part-time are more common in America, England, Canada, etc ... In Portugal; it is a bit difficult to get a part-time. The Portuguese teenagers prefer to work during the holidays in a large supermarket or a kiosk on a beach. In my opinion, it is important for a young starting 16 or 17 years to begin work during the holidays, I speak in my case that during the holiday of Christmas was to work in a shop and it seems to me did not live with others and learn speak properly.